The Will Within - Conchita Sarnoff

 Conchita Sarnoff

Executive Director of
Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking.
Senior Fellow. at Georgetown Univercity
Contact Info: 

Book Link:
TrafficKing: The Jeffrey Epstein Case 

Book Description:
Advocate and abolitionist Conchita Sarnoff risked her life to tell the truth about a Wall Street billionaire hedge fund manager who is now a level-3 registered sex offender. 

TrafficKing uncovers a child sex trafficking case of epic proportions and the longest-running human trafficking case in US legal history - more poignant than the Lewinsky case, Watergate scandal, and Profumo affair combined. Eleven years after the registered level-3 sex offender was arrested, four cases associated with his 2005 criminal investigation remain open. The pedophile was not prosecuted under The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA), a law enacted in Florida in 2000. In this gripping exposé, Sarnoff finds out why.  

TrafficKing is a true story exposing the dark side of the human condition: avarice, lust, power, and influence peddling at the highest levels of government.


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